To Score and to Protect? Big Data (and Privacy) Meet SME Credit Risk in the UK
Title: To Score and to Protect? Big Data (and Privacy) Meet SME Credit Risk in the UKAuthor, co-author: Robinson, Gavin; Marriott, JaneAbstract: Recent UK legislation facilitating the credit scoring of...
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Title: L’effectivité du droit économique dans l’espace OHADA. Editor: Menetrey, Séverine; Hiez, David
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Title: Toward an Elaboration of a More Pluralistic Legal Landscape for Developing West African Countries: Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) and Law and...
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Title: A Visualization Approach for Adaptive Consent in the European Data Protection FrameworkAuthor, co-author: Rossi, Arianna; Palmirani, MonicaAbstract: For the first time in the history of European...
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Title: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2017: The Thirtieth Annual ConferenceEditor: Wyner, Adam; Casini, GiovanniAbstract: The proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Legal...
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Title: Critical features of autonomous road transport from the perspective of technological regulation and lawAuthor, co-author: Bartolini, Cesare; Tettamanti, Tamás; István, Varga Abstract: Autonomous...
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Title: Development of a test track for driverless cars: vehicle design, track configuration, and liability considerationsAuthor, co-author: Szalay, Zsolt; Tettamanti, Tamás; Esztergár-Kiss, Domokos;...
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Title: La crise catalane ou Don Quichotte à Bruxelles Author, co-author: Allemand, FredericAbstract: The Catalan crisis is far from being solved even if it is no longer in the news. The European Union...
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Title: Zur Normalisierung heteronormativer Zweigeschlechtlichkeit im Recht: Eine queere Analyse der Regulation des Geschlechtswechsels im Vereinigten Königreich Author, co-author: De Silva, Adrian
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Title: Zur Konstruktion von Geschlecht und Geschlechterregime in dem Gender Recognition Act 2004 und im englischen ParlamentAuthor, co-author: De Silva, Adrian
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Title: Special edition on constructing Banking Union: IntroductionAuthor, co-author: Howarth, David; Schild, JoachimAbstract: European Banking Union arguably represents the most important step in...
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Title: The 'best interests of the child-principe' (bem-estar da crianca) in Mozambique - a paradigmatic case of legal pluralismAuthor, co-author: Marthaler, Thomas
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